Monday, November 22, 2010

I went for a very brisk 45 minute walk this morning....I have been eating way too many home-made cookies and they have to settle somewhere!! Don't want them settling on my hips though! My Mom used to say "a minute on the lips, a lifetime on the hips". I really enjoyed the fresh air and the cold. Just showered and changed and my face is still purple, but I feel great!


  1. I walk two miles almost every morning. The exceptions are the days when there is ice, fresh snow, or heavy rain. My dog accompanies me. He is not very willing to forgo the walk. He follows me around nudging me and whining if we don't go on time, which is right after coffee. I don't think it does a thing for my weight, but, I feel better when I walk.

  2. Hi Grace,
    I think getting out in the fresh, cool air clears your head and freshens you up a bit. I really enjoyed myself this morning. Definitely going to start doing it more often. Hope you are well:)
